
Started in 2005, and initially providing photography information, and exhibiting photo works of it’s owner. Posts include: learning about various photo camera types, improving photography techniques, understanding camera and imaging terms, news about the photo / video industry, personal photo galleries, public domain photos and more.

Since 2024, IMCPhoto.net became the home of other subjects too, as the owner’s passions developed into other areas. These subjects can go from presenting and restoring old computers and vintage electronics/electro mechanic machines or other machinery or tools, to other forms of art like filmmaking, and also to programming, Artificial Intelligence and philosophy on various topics as some of them.

About the owner

My first steps into photography started at the age of 13 when I bought my first camera – a Smena Symbol. Later, that hobby has turned into a real passion and so IMCPhoto.net begun as a home of my photos and photography learning articles.

About the public domain photos section:

In the ‘Public Domain Photos’  section you can browse various categories of photos released into public domain. These photos can be used in any way you need, private or commercial.

Every image is post-edited for aesthetic reasons, however, since the images are in the public domain, anyone can re-edit every image according to its needs. The full resolution of files is relatively high (mostly 1280×850 pixels), so all the images can be easily used for desktop customization, small media/personal prints, educational use, etc.

About the contributors of public domain photos:

These are released  from two sources: 1. Selected from the site’s owner personal photo collection, and 2. From good hearted people who want to release some of their photos into public domain.

Below are listed the contributors:

– Dudley & Hilary Foskett – Photos from the Canadian National Parks: Hundreds of unique and beautiful photos from natural parks in Canada, mountain landscapes, flower pictures, wild animals and much more. All photos are between 1024px – 1600px width resolution, scanned from 35mm slides and post-processed.

Thanks for visiting!


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